Side Projects

Designing a dashboard to understand trends

Dashbot is an analytics platform for chatbots and voice assistants. Drawing inspiration from the rating report for the Best Buy Alexa skill, I designed a dashboard that would enable users to view this measure.


The bar chart on the Dashbot website shows a daily view of the number of ratings and average rating. I anticipated that the user would also need to view different time periods to understand trends.

Daily .png

Daily rating

To better understand the kind of ratings information the target audience would be looking for and how they might use it, I created a persona.


Persona of dashboard user

The persona’s needs informed the design decisions I made. Also, I switched out the bar chart with a line chart as the former is a better suited to demonstrate trends. I also incorporated the company’s brand colors and typography.

Dashboard details.png

Dashboard incorporates persona’s needs

Designing form controls and a sign up page

I created various states of desktop form controls that would be essential for a co-working space’s website.

For the sign up page, I prioritized social sign up with Google because most freelancers I know use Gmail for work. I also included an image of the workspace for branding.


Experimenting with typography for a magazine article

As I was designing for a men’s lifestyle magazine, I chose Playfair Display for the magazine name, to match the bold and masculine theme. I picked Karla for the body font for it's wide and rounded lettering.

Selecting a serif font was a challenge! After experimenting with Cardo and Lora, I finally settled on Vollkorn because it was the most modern serif option of the three and paired well with Karla.

For the accent typeface for pull quotes, Rajdhani was my first choice. I later picked DIN Condensed which provided more contrast with it's lean lettering. 

Using Sketch for illustration 

I wanted to explore Sketch’s vector editing capability, so I created an illustration of my favorite cocktail. This challenge made me examine how light and shadows affect objects. I’m looking forward to diving deeper into illustration!

Vector editing - KD2.png